original design by:
The Patriarchal
Order of Mar Gregorios is an international
ecumenical Christian Order of men
and Women. The Order exists to further the spiritual life and
growth of each member, to pursue philanthropic and charitable
works, and to promote a Code of Chivalry for the betterment of
It is a new Order of Chivalry emanating from the Patriarchal Household
of His Holiness, Mathias Mar Yusef, Patriarch of the Apostolic Orthodox
Church of India (Nasrani Mappila). In practice of those worthy
chivalric traditions of ancient origin such as duty, devotion, honesty,
compassion and charity, the Order strives to uplift and strengthen our
local communities through
right action.
The Spiritual Patrons of the Order are Saint Geevarghese Mar Gregorios
(Geevarghese Pallathitta Chathuruthil) and Saint Thomas, Apostle of
Jesus Christ and the bringer of Christianity to India.
The Ecclesiastical
Patron, Fons honorum and founder of the order is His Holiness, Mathias
Mar Yusef, Patriarch of the Apostolic Orthodox Church of India [
Nasrani Mappila].
The Sovereign Grand Master of The Order is
HSH Dr. John Wetsch, Prince of the Cross and Crozier, Knight of St.
A. Bastelberger-Gustavus & D. B. Gustavus